FlexiSPY FAQ – All Your Questions and Answers!

Interested in FlexiSPY ? Good … I’ve put together this article to help you quickly find answers to the most frequently asked FlexiSPY questions.

I’ve been writing about the FlexiSPY spy software app since 2013 – continually testing and evaluating it. I have a detailed and regularly updated FlexiSPY Reviews page here – make sure you check it out as it covers a lot of detail.

If you haven’t decided yet you can check out FlexiSPY below :

Over the years the main review page has gathered lots of comments and questions – I also get email questions about FlexiSPY every week. I decided to put up this page to have the most important questions in one place – easy to find and look through.

This page is also updated regularly so if you have any questions that are not answered here I’d be glad to hear them – you can use the comments section below. So let’s get to those questions ….

FlexiSPY FAQ questions

FlexiSPY Questions

What devices can FlexiSPY monitor?

It works on smartphones – Android and Apple iPhone and they also have a PC Monitoring version for Mac and Windows computers and laptops.

Is FlexiSPY hidden?

Yes, FlexiSPY is very well hidden – they go the extra mile to ensure it is extremely difficult to detect. It will not show up on the target device – no icons or notifications. It is also hidden from “running processes” and installed apps.

Why is it so expensive?

In actual fact, the Premium version of the app is very competitively priced and compares with other apps such as mSpy. Their Extreme version is the most expensive – but it offers call recording and live call intercept.

No other spy app has this feature set and so they charge a premium.

Can it be installed without having the target phone?

No – physical installation is needed for this app. You must have access to the phone you need to monitor for a short while.

Is there a No Jailbreak version like mSpy?

Again – no. FlexiSPY only offers full version software. For installation on an iPhone you must Jailbreak the device to be able to install the app.

Do I need to Root Android?

Rooting or Root access is only needed for some of the advanced features such as call recording and spying on messenger apps such as Instagram and WhatsApp. For most features, rooting is not necessary. See how to install FlexiSPY on Android for a full guide.

How many devices can I monitor?

Like other programs, it is one device per license. Kind of makes sense!

Is there an installation service?

Yes, they offer a complete installation service – a technician can perform a Jailbreak (iPhone) or Root Android and install the FlexiSPY app. Great service if you are not a tech person!

Does FlexiSPY show up on any credit card bill?

No reference to FlexiSPY will be visible on any bills and the target device will have no notifications at all regarding billing.

Does it automatically re-bill my card?

No – if your subscription is coming to an end you need to authorize it again yourself. This can be done from your online account and you don’t need to re-install the app.

I’ve seen a FlexiSPY discount code – is it real?

They usually only offer discounts if you are buying multiple licenses or at special events such as Black Friday. Most FlexiSPY coupon codes are fake – just trying to get you to buy.

If I need to upgrade – do I need to re-install the app?

You can upgrade from your online control panel without needing access to the device again.

Can FlexiSPY see deleted texts?

Only from the time you have the app installed. It will not show texts sent before you bought the app – but after that, everything is reported, even if the user deletes the message after sending.

Can it record voice calls on Messenger and WhatsApp etc.?

Yes, they call this VOIP call recording – the only spy software with this ability.

Can I see multimedia text messages?

Yes, no problem. You can see everything – both sides of any communication. This works for most of the major messaging apps as well.

Can I see the reports without a PC?

Yes, you can view everything in the online dashboard from any internet-enabled device. They also have a great new mobile app called FlexiVIEW.

Can FlexiSpy be removed without having the phone again?

Yes, it can be removed remotely when you are finished monitoring the device – you don’t need to have the device again.

If the sim card is changed will monitoring still work?

Yes – the spy software is installed on the actual phone, not the SIM card.

Does Flexi-spy work on Wi-Fi?

Yes – as long as there is an active internet connection reporting will still take place. A data plan will give more up-to-date information, especially with GPS tracking for instance.

Will anti-virus software find FlexiSPY?

This is a common question – as already mentioned, the app is very well hidden. Antivirus programs do not reliably flag Flexispy. I have yet to hear from anyone having this problem … but people do ask!

Does it work in any country?

Yes as long as there is an active internet connection the app will work. That’s the World Wide Web for you.

Will it use up the target phone’s data plan?

Another common concern – based on old information. The way the data transfers are handled these days means that the data packets are tiny and will not be noticed. The only exception is if the target phone has loads of video or high-resolution images in the memory. You can choose to ignore videos in the reports if this is a concern.

Can I monitor a different phone – change phones?

Yes, the license can be transferred at any time during your subscription period. But only one at a time can be monitored.

That’s about it so far on the most frequently asked FlexiSPY questions. If there is something I haven’t covered – just ask in the comments below and I will add it to this article.

Don’t forget FlexiSpy have their own FAQ page here – and they have useful guides and information on their site. Their support is very good – but of course, my FAQ is more complete – based on real questions from users.

Thanks for reading!

Author - Susan Kennedy

Hi there - I'm Susan Kennedy, a regular mom who has used spy apps for years now. I was fed up with spammy reviews and poor information so I started this website. I also teach you how to improve your online security and stop unwanted spy apps. Reliable information from a real person!

Susan Kennedy author