Cell Phone Spy App Reviews

Looking for real Spy App Reviews?
I test every program personally before writing my review.
I only recommend a few select apps … find out why!

My Recommended Spy Apps

mspy reviews image

1. mSpy

mSpy has performed consistently for me over a long period of time. This spy app has continued to add new features and even new methods of monitoring. They are the Best seller – read this to find out why.

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2. FlexiSPY

FlexiSPY is another long running spy software app – and it’s not going away anytime soon. A good competitor for mSpy but it has one unique feature set – call recording! They are the only program to offer this in a reliable way.


3. Umobix

Umobix is the newest addition to my recommended spy apps section. I have tested it and was pleasantly surprised. It offers a genuine alternative. It is definitely worth a look.

My Testing Process

I’m often asked why I only recommend a few spy app programs when there are so many being advertised across the web. Well unlike so many “review” sites I actually buy and test every program I review – myself !

I’ve been doing this since 2011 – and I have seen many spy apps come and go. Some have been just poor quality programs with over exaggerated claims and others have been outright scams. Some just don’t compete reliably.

I can honestly stand over my recommended spy apps because I run them on test phones continuously. That way I always see changes and know if the apps are not performing. If any program stops working as it should I will stop recommending it.

Will I Add New Apps to My List?

When I test new spy software I am looking for several things. Do they work as claimed ? Do they have a decent feature list ? Are they competitively priced ? Finally – are they reliable over time. That covers the basics.

To add a new product to my list it needs to be as good as or better than mSPY, FlexiSPY or MobiStealth – otherwise what is the point of recommending an inferior spy app? If one comes along that can at least match them or offers something new – then of course I will update my list.  

I do have reviews of other spy apps – but I don’t recommend them. You can find them on down the page if you keep reading. Don’t forget to check out my main Spy Apps page.

Popular Spy App Reviews

best spy apps compared

Find The Best Spy Apps

This guide does more than just compare the top rated programs. I have included a buying guide and information to help you spot fake reviews and scam apps.

mSpy FAQ

This article is a companion to my main review of mSpy. It covers a list of the most frequently asked questions about this software. I’ve been asked many questions over the years – here I answer them.

mspy faq
FlexiSPY FAQ questions


A list of the most frequently asked questions about the FlexiSPY app – gathered over a long period of time from users questions. I answer them here to go along with the main FlexiSPY review.

Other Reviews – I Don’t Recommend

As promised here you can find my reviews of other spy apps – but ones for one reason or another I can’t honestly recommend. I try to avoid publicly bashing any program … but sometimes I have no choice!

XnSPY Review

Teensafe Review

Hoverwatch Review

Highster Mobile Review

iKeymonitor Review

I have a couple of older reviews of products that no longer exist. StealthGenie Review this product was sensationally taken down by US law enforcement in 2014! PhoneSheriff Investigator Review  – this was a side product from the owners of MobileSpy and was taken off the market in 2014.

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Author - Susan Kennedy

Hi there - I'm Susan Kennedy, a regular mom who has used spy apps for years now. I was fed up with spammy reviews and poor information so I started this website. I also teach you how to improve your online security and stop unwanted spy apps. Reliable information from a real person!

Susan Kennedy author