You want to know how to hack someone’s phone camera and that’s why you’re here. Well, you’re in luck, I’ll teach you a lot more than just how to hack a phone camera. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech expert – anyone can do this the easy way.
I’m going to show you three apps that will enable you to hack into a cell phone camera, but I will also tell you more about each app.
Once these apps are installed you can hack a phone camera remotely – seeing all reports without needing the phone again. But do NOT mistake this as remote installation.
I have an article outlining how to hack someone’s phone gallery pictures that you should also read and at the core of it all is learning how to hack a phone. If you can gain access to someone’s phone you can basically hack into every activity on that phone.
Remember, I only refer to legal and ethical hacking methods on These hacks are designed for worried parents and employers – not for hacking your spouse!

You might be wondering why I’m only going to recommend three apps when you’ve seen hundreds on the web – and I have a good reason.
The answer is simple, these apps are reliable. I have used these apps personally and continue to run them on my test phones.
I can stand over my recommendation of these apps with a clear conscience.
Can You Hack a Phone Camera for Free?
We all love “Free” but unfortunately this always comes at a price in the spy app market. Often in the form of getting scammed or left with an app that just doesn’t work!
I’ve tried so many spy apps that claim they can hack someone’s phone camera for free – some sounded great! Unfortunately, all they want to do is make you fill out a survey or click on adverts – then install dodgy apps or software on your phone or computer.
They are set up to make money pure and simple. Even after filling out surveys they never deliver on their promise. In many cases, no spy app even exists. I know because I have tried them for myself.
I have yet to find a Free app that can allow you to hack anything! See my article on Snapchat Hacking tools – it goes into detail about these scams and how they work.
So if you do want to hack a cell phone camera, and do it legitimately, you’re going to have to pay for the service.
But that isn’t a bad thing because, for the small price you pay for these apps, you get access to a whole range of monitoring tools. Oh, and they actually work!
mSpy – More Than Hacking Phone Cameras
The first app I recommend is mSpy. This is probably going to be the best option if you are just looking to hack someone’s phone camera.
mSpy will give you complete access to their phone gallery – and any media stored on the device! More than that – it can also allow the user to spy on you through your phone camera. This is really powerful allowing them to control the phone camera remotely (after installation of course).
But there’s much more to this best-selling spy app …
With mSpy you will gain access to the target’s social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat which is getting more popular amongst teens as of late and many more.
With the mSpy app installed, you have access to a very powerful hacking tool. I have several useful guides in the Ethical Hacking section :
- How to Hack Instagram
- How to Hack a Facebook Account Without Password
- How to See Someone’s Snapchat History
Have a good look around that section of the website – all designed to help you get the most from these apps and avoid scams.
You will be able to see all their messages, videos, and photos sent and received on their phone. Even messages, photos, and videos sent using messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Viber.
This is important as so many people use these apps as their main means of sending messages. Do you know what apps your kids are using to send photos?
It gets better…
mSpy has a keylogger feature. The Keylogger shows you the target’s phone keyboard and everything they have typed. This is useful for knowing passwords, seeing who they are looking for on Instagram and Facebook, and seeing their search history even if they deleted it.
All you need to do is pay for the app and then put it on your child’s or employee’s phone which only takes a matter of minutes. They even have installation services if you are worried about the process.
Once installed all signs of the app can be hidden so they don’t know you are hacking their phone camera – along with everything else.
Once installed, you won’t have to touch the phone ever again. All you need to do is log into the mSpy website and you will be able to see their phone use reports from there.
You can effectively hack their phone camera from another phone remotely – after installation. For the iPhone, they have a No Jailbreak version that can allow you to hack an iPhone camera without touching it and monitor it remotely from another phone.
Impressive right?
It’s very simple really but I haven’t covered everything on mSpy so if you want to know more I have a Full mSpy Review:
Using FlexiSPY for Cell Phone Camera Hacking
The second app that will help you hack a target phone camera is FlexiSPY. It is only second on this list because it is more expensive than mSpy but it has a good reason to be.
It has a feature that allows you to listen in to live phone calls and record them which is rare amongst spy apps and quite an advanced bit of tech so that’s what the extra pricing is for.
But that isn’t anything to do with hacking a phone camera so for that reason FlexiSPY is second on my list.
As far as hacking someone’s phone camera goes, FlexiSPY will allow you to do the same things as mSpy like seeing their camera roll and gallery. You will see every photo (and video) taken with the phone’s camera – but also every photo sent or received by the phone user.
FlexiSPY also gives you access to social media apps but just not as many. It has WhatsApp hacking, Instagram, and Facebook but is missing Snapchat. So if you’re looking to hack someone’s pictures as well as their phone camera you will need to consider Snapchat.
The uMobix Mobile App
The last app that will enable you to hack someone’s phone camera is uMobix. Just because it’s last does not make it a bad app though.
uMobix is still one of the better monitoring apps out there – it is just getting compared to two of the best. If you are just looking to hack someone’s phone camera then uMobix will do that for you but it doesn’t have as many features as FlexiSPY or mSpy.
uMobix gives you access to several social media apps but less than the other two. WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger are all accessible, but apps like Twitter and Snapchat are not.
How to Hack Someone’s Phone Camera Remotely
To clear this up from the start – you can not hack a phone camera remotely.
You’ll read about certain monitoring apps that claim you don’t need access to the target phone to install phone spy software. Full-version spying apps must be installed directly onto the phone you want to monitor. You will need to have the target phone in your possession for at least a few minutes.
Some reviews may claim this is possible but they are false claims. When you get into the details, you will need physical access to the phone and only after installation can you “remotely” see the reports.
How to Hack Someone’s Camera Roll
Monitoring apps can hack someone’s camera roll but this is Not the same as hacking their cell phone camera. Camera Roll is simply the name of the phone gallery on iPhones and Apple devices.
You can still use the apps I recommend to give you access to every image and video on their camera roll or gallery. See my article mentioned above covering phone picture hacking.
To Sum Up: Camera Phone Hacking
So there you have it. You wanted to know how to hack someone’s phone camera and I told you I’d give you a lot more than that and I think I did that successfully.
It all comes down to preference and what features you need that will decide what app to get. Like if you need to listen to calls then FlexiSPY is the only option, but if you need to just see apps and photos then go for mSpy or Mobistealth.
I have a detailed article on The Best Spy Apps For A Cell Phone here which will give you more information on these apps if you are considering one of them. Remember to use these apps responsibly and stay legal.
Thanks for reading!