How to Install Cell Phone Spy Software

This post is designed to help you through installing cell phone spy software for the first time. This is absolutely crucial for the software to work properly and it is where many people slip up.

Many problems associated with mobile phone spy software stem from it being installed incorrectly. Get this step right from the start.

If this is your first time installing a phone spyware app – the best piece of advice is to give yourself some time. Too many people try to rush the installation and then make simple mistakes.

It is possible to install the software in a couple of minutes but don’t expect to do this the first time.

app installation

Every Program is Different – Slightly!

Don’t worry the process is simple enough for anyone to do this successfully – you don’t need to be an expert tech guru.

Although the exact steps for each program are slightly different they are following the same basic principles. Sometimes the steps are just in a different order or the delivery is slightly different.

I’ll give you a rundown of how they work but the important point is to follow the instructions you receive to the letter.

I also have detailed guides – how to install mSpy on Android and then how to install mSpy on iPhone. See these for more details alongside the advice in this article.

Spy App Installation Sevices

Some of the top companies now offer installation services for a relatively small fee. mAssistance by mSpy and Flexispy both have these services available when buying their software. See my mAssistance guide here.

They will even Jailbreak your iPhone or Root your Android – then install and configure the spy app.

To use their services you still need access to the target phone and you will need to connect to a PC or Laptop for  their service agents to do the installation.

Great services for those worried about their tech abilities! Hacking a phone just got a lot easier!

Installing Spy Apps on the iPhone

Make sure the app you buy is able to spy on your iPhone or iPad and is compatible with the iOS version on the device. Read my iPhone Spy app Guide for more details.

installing spy software time
Take your time!

If you are installing the software on an iPhone make sure it has a Jailbreak. This is NOT optional for full version spy software.

If jailbreaking is a problem – consider using their installation sevices.

mSpy and XNSPY both have No Jailbreak versions that do not require installation – check my reviews.

Installing on Android Devices

The only special consideration for installing spy software on Android devices, is whether to Root or not. Check my Android Rooting Guide.

Rooting is Not absolutely necessary – but it is required for some advanced monitoring features such as Keylogging or monitoring messenger apps.

Prepare Well

I hope you are following along with my Cell Phone Spy App Guide. By now you should know the importance of choosing wisely – getting the software which is compatible with your target phone.

When buying the software make sure you choose a good quality spy app package – with all the monitoring features you need and right for your platform. Android spy software can’t be installed on an iPhone!

Before you begin make sure you read any installation articles on the website you have chosen – mSpy and MobiStealth have detailed guides so get familiar with the process beforehand.

Flexispy go a step further – they have a very useful installation wizard which guides you through the process.

Make sure you have access to the internet and your emails – be at a PC if possible.

Take your time and pay attention to the details – they matter!

Installing the Spy Software

Remember the order of some things may change slightly between the different programs but here is what happens.

  1. Buy your spy app
  2. Open welcome email
  3. Confirm and register your online account
  4. Enter the download link on the target device
  5. Download and install the spy app
  6. Enter the activation code
  7. Re-start the device
  8. Configure the app settings

Now for a little more detail:

You buy the software from the spy software company website, making sure to use a valid email address.

With some you will register an account with them at this stage and set up a username and password – this is for access to your Online Dashboard. Some programs may set up the account at a later stage in the process.

Whatever order this happens keep your details safe you’ll need them later.

After the purchase goes through you should get a couple of emails within a few minutes. Usually you receive a confirmation of the sale plus an email with the download link and instructions for installing the specific program.

Follow the instructions very carefully – it is not very complicated but you must follow step by step. For most programs you enter the download link into the target phone’s web browser. Do this correctly and the software should begin to download onto the phone.

The download completes and you will be prompted to enter the activation code – contained in the email they sent you. Enter this into the target phone as directed.

Most programs will prompt you to re-start the phone to complete the installation.

It is a good idea to then go into the target phone and clear the browser history – this will remove any trace of the download link. Not totally necessary but may keep it safe from prying eyes.

Configuring the settings. With some programs all the settings such as reporting intervals and notifications are set up from within the online dashboard. Some will prompt you to set these during installation.

The software is now installed and ready to begin monitoring. Remember in my article How Spy Software Works – the reports are sent via a web connection to the company severs where you can access them in the dashboard.

Some programs can take up to 30 minutes to begin reporting.

Now is a good time to test everything out. Send a couple of texts using the target phone, browse a website – whatever, just so you can check it is being monitored correctly.

Using the Online Dashboard

Give it half an hour then from your PC login to the dashboard. The dashboard is usually on the company’s website with a “log in” link. Enter your username and password to access the reporting area.

It is a good idea to keep all of your communication and account details somewhere safe – saved in emails works for me.

install success
Successful Install

The online dashboards all work in similar ways but depending on the program you have bought the options can be different.

You will have access to all of the reports – check if those test texts show up. Have a good look around to see if everything is working well.

You can check the GPS tracking and files stored on the target phone – check everything while you still have access to the target phone.

These apps allow you to easily track a cell phone without the user’s knowledge.

The best way to get used to the online dashboard is to just have a play with it. You should try the Demo version if they have one beforehand.

The dashboard is the central hub of the whole system and with some programs you can control almost everything from here without needing to go near the target cell phone again. You can even delete the software remotely when you want the reporting to end.

You can usually view your account details from here. See details of the plan you have purchased and set up billing etc. You can also get help from the dashboard area should you encounter any problems.

Remember that every program has slight differences in their installation instructions. I can’t give you a step by step installation guide for each and every spy software program but this should act as a good working guide to the overall procedure.

Always follow the program installation instructions exactly and you should have success.

Remember – all legitimate programs will need you to have access to the phone you want to monitor. The software must be installed directly on to the target device. Watch out for so called remote install phone spy programs – they are scams!

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Author - Susan Kennedy

Hi there - I'm Susan Kennedy, a regular mom who has used spy apps for years now. I was fed up with spammy reviews and poor information so I started this website. I also teach you how to improve your online security and stop unwanted spy apps. Reliable information from a real person!

Susan Kennedy author